The ounces of all former prostitution thoughts keep on balancing through an act of disambiguation, dismissing and harnessing the power of the indefinite horror vacui.
Please step aside from the line that keeps on forming a circle and stray off the maze of voices that eclipses the raid of your thoughts. Assemble a massive weapon and clear the throttle forcing you to unexpectedly quit every application that runs of with minimal resources but seems to hog down your fractured memory.
Will I stay true to myself if I say that I never even knew you from the beginning to the end? Will I break all my dreams free when I think of nothing but everything about you and your essence. The one that makes me go after a lot but not all and keeps me firm at bay at nights with empty bottles from light.
Airplane accidents that you just can't survive, you'll be cut in two if you're lucky and if they ever find you, you'll feel whole again. Falling from great heights have never been my specialty, it requires a lot of soul searching in the process and I am just not made out of steel. I hope you feel the same way, that's why I only booked us a one-way ticket to Bermudas.
Collapsing, falling but yet climbing in a game long lost you step out of your shoes for a little while in a thumbdriven menu interface of a Computer-Generated-Image. You are the sprite left out of version 2.0. No Surprises there. I feel like a badly fit Tetris piece that doesn't click in your mind, I am a Tron creature racing the ones and zeros gleefully glimpsing outside of its existence looking for a way out of its terrain. If you make it past this sideways scrolling platform adventure, just in one piece, look out for me, I'll be the Boss at the end of this stage.
Paranoia is a happiness fit that keeps sending me to a state long-forgotten. Society shows me its ways and I partially give in like I supposedly should. Hear the cacophonous drums tiding the roads waking the sleepyheads victims of a near-death experience - panic attack like a roadkill in the hot stench of the highways of our minds. I keep having those fits and I laugh out loud and I will mercifully ignore your voice and the others they have no power over me. Though freedom is a given, you've gotta earn it. Vicalisiously freakishy prowess in a dark-lit magic kingdom between my eyes // everything comes full circle.
Is this a phone call on a disconnected line and should I be hearing the BEEP soon? Waiting and waiting in a left out watered down version of myself like a Karma crime that keeps on rewinding me to a place before.
Please answer that and don't mess. Is this OKay or what they say - oh, I don't know, but let us give this another try. Requesting the eternity to stand still, resisting the unattainable in a cheek in cheek mode, I will find a way to get through you, since I am a click down of the highways and you're standing on the sideways in a forgive-full mode.
Hear me oh hear me, wake from your sleep, spy those forgetful eyes that are left staring what was once one in a spiteful fragmented memory full of joys and suffering. Are you feeling let down? Should you put yourself to sleep in this summer hell of celsius that keeps on rising in a way that resembles our youth going down the drain. The windshields, all smashed in this sentimental drivel that delivers me in an hysterical manic depressive state - I feel like I'm going to start writing music for the demise of our species.
Fearful of vengeance the stars and the lights in the dead calm of a great height. Signs full of signs in a desperate notion to save and save some more - the outrageous consequences of knowing we're falling. Deep and deeper in the deepest of the dip on a forever gravitating levitation of emptiness, raving and passing along some homemade jar in a vase, so we are that homesick!
Stirring them well, pasting that sugary sauce, hearing well with both our ears we'll concentrate once more but we'll be left betrayed by the silliness of gazing an empty ceiling terminating with its artificial thickness the ever changing sky.
We sleep and it's the same. We'll wake and change drunken in a lemonade full of soul outside the steps of creation.
'Twas that time again. Them coming on up, crawling and squeaking and squeezing the life out of me. Airbags of psychotic winds mastering their way into our blue lungs in a far-fetched frenzied distortion that breaks the air. Flirting with disaster I caught a cough unsimilar to a browsing passing desire to stop the fleeting glimpse of memories begone. Step aside reddish creatures with your eyes full of cold logic 'cause I'm the King in this castle and this life - it is nothing but a dream of bytes and bits and sights and sounds andmore.